My Name: Theresa Rubel, but call me Trubel

My Personality:

My Birthday:

April 29th, 1995

Species/Cultural Identity:

I’m a Grimm

My Gender Orientation:

Cis woman, she/her for me

My Sexuality:

I’m a lace, a lesbian (auti-)ace

My Disabilities/Conditions:

Autism and PTSD

Physical Description:

I'm a solid 5'8"—just right for reaching the top shelf at the grocery store. My eyes are a warm brown color like melted chocolate, and I've got fair skin that tends to freckle a bit if I'm out in the sun too much. I keep my dark brown hair short and low maintenence—all I need to do is run my fingers through it and I'm good to go. I have a soft, athletic frame; I like to eat and I like to stay active and you can tell that just by looking at me. So that's me: just your friendly neighborhood lesbian!

My Relationships:

Mel’s my girlfriend, the moms (Diana and Tasha) and I play sometimes and I fool around with Damien on his hyper-feminine days.

My Hobbies/Interests:

Weapons, fighting, athletics, drawing, TTRPGs, video games, some shows and movies, music, and dancing.

My Canon Backstory:

My Bond Backstory: