My Name: Theo Raeken

My Personality:

My Birthday:

November 23rd, 1999

Species/Cultural Identity:

Werecoyote-Werewolf hybrid via chimerism.

My Gender Orientation:

Intersex man, masculine terms thanks

My Sexuality:

I’m lithosexual, so I’m on the ace spectrum. I seem to like both men and women, but I lean towards men.

My Disabilities/Conditions:

PTSD, flat affect, low empathy

Physical Description:

I'm 5'8"—not exactly towering over anyone, but I can reach most shelves without embarrassing myself. My eyes are grey like a cloudy day deciding whether to rain or not and they're glowing gold when I'm shifted. I've got short dark brown hair with a fringe across my forehead. It's…hair. It grows, I cut it, rinse and repeat. Oh, and there's this little memento on the left side of my neck: a mating bite. Yes, I'm claimed; try to hold back your tears. My skin is beige with no pink to it (guess that comes from living in the sewers for most of your life). I'm slender but comfy—between all the food my alpha shoves down my throat and the need for my wolf to run, this is where it landed in addition to the E (Estrogen) changing my fat distribution. Also yes, there are tits present and accounted for. Very exciting, I know.

My Relationships:

Li and Lav are my (wolf)mates. I’m Corey’s former alpha and benefriend and Mel’s QPP. Pope and Sean play with me sometimes.

My Hobbies/Interests:

Mad/weird science, masochism, running in my wolf form, riling Li up until he fights me, and some video games & TTRPGs.

My Canon Backstory:

My Bond Backstory: