My Name: Rune Saber

My Personality:

My Birthday:

Day before Mel’s, December 19th, 1998

Species/Cultural Identity:

I’m a Ranger

My Gender Orientation:

Auti Man, he/him please

My Sexuality:

AroAce, but I find all people aesthetically beautiful

My Disabilities/Conditions:

Autistic, depression

Physical Description:

At 6'5", I'm tall enough that I stick out like an unpruned branch wherever I go. My hair is down past my shoulders, thick and sandy blond, and I like to keep it back in a ponytail so it's out of my face (otherwise it's hard to see while I'm drawing). My skin is light with a hint of tan. My eyes are this bright sapphire blue that people tend to comment on when they meet me. For my build, I'm long and broad with a bit of squish, and I practically live in hoodies and comfy clothes in general. So yeah, that's basically me.

My Relationships:

Artemis is my boyfriend and Mel is my QPP and bloodbond. Lav, Damien, and Liam are also my QPPs and I see Logan as my second dad.

My Hobbies/Interests:

I draw a lot especially charcoal drawings, I love to eat, play TRMZOV (teenage robot monster zombies: on vacation, an in-universe game) and other games, watch shows and movies, read, learn a bit about fashion, and play TTRPGs.

My Canon Backstory:

My Bond Backstory: