My Name: Artemis Fowl II

My Personality:

My Birthday:


Species/Cultural Identity:

Human clone

My Gender Orientation:

I’m masc-aligned; masculine terms only, please

My Sexuality:

Bi aro-spec asexual.

My Disabilities/Conditions:

Likely autistic savant and mild OCD with paranoid psychosis

Physical Description:

Allow me to describe myself: In imperial measurements, I stand at 5 feet 9 inches tall. My eyes are blue, a feature that often draws attention, especially when contrasted with my pale ivory skin. I take care to remain well-groomed, particularly when it comes to my short black hair, which I keep neatly styled to maintain a polished appearance. My physique is slim, though it has become slightly pear-shaped under my partner, Rune's, care, but I believe it gives me a comfortable, approachable demeanor, and I find it suits me better than the bare-bones vampire look I had about me before coming to Winrey Place.

My Relationships:

Rune is my primary partner, but I have QPPs and romantic friendships in Lav and Mel. Although I do have living biological parents, Butler has always been more of a father and friend to me.

My Hobbies/Interests:

I have an interest in various sciences, mathematics, psychology, technology, art, puzzles, and magic. I also am the DM for Winrey Place’s TTRPG campaigns.

My Canon Backstory:

I was born the heir of a long-established Irish crime family. When I was around ten, my father got on the bad side of the Russian mafia and shot down the boat he was on, rendering him missing, presumed dead. I spent the next two years desperately trying to manage a failing empire and my mother, whose grief had pushed her into a psychotic break, with no one to help but my lifetime bodyguard Butler and his younger sister Juliet.

During this time, I had become (correctly) convinced that fairies were real and that they had gold I could get my hands on if I was clever enough (which I was). My globe-trotting wild goose chases eventually led me to a real member of the People, and I became the first human ever to translate their bible, which held the secrets I needed to exploit them. I kidnapped one of their officers, Holly Short (for it turned out that leprechauns were actually LEP-recon, or Lower Elements Police Reconnaisance) and held her for ransom. Though things did not go according to plan, I did successfully obtain enough of their gold-based ransom fund to be satisfactory.

I thought that was the end of it, but then I was brought down to the Lower Elements (the People had been forced underground by the threat of mankind) to be interrogated about a crime I hadn't committed. I traded my assistance for help rescuing my father, and Holly and I managed to part on somewhat better terms. The years that followed were full of various encounters with the People and various attempts to save both humanity and fairykind from villians in both groups. I slowly came to consider Holly and a few others as friends, so much so that when a small apocalypse happened, I betrayed everything about my life before and chose to sacrifice my life to save the world. Luckily, I was smart enough to leave behind a genetic sample, enough to have a clone shell of my body made, and after the long year it took to grow, my spirit was able to inhabit it, giving me a second chance at life.

My Bond Backstory:

Mel was drawn to me from the first book of mine she read. I was a steady presence in her writings and daydreams for years, sometimes as a dear friend and sometimes as a boyfriend. Then one night, when Mel was reminiscing to Lav how close I had been with Rune and Lianna (her parame), and Lav asked to meet me. That meeting is what led to Butler and me becoming munbonds ourselves, and the rest, as they say, is history.