My Name: Adam Morgan

My Personality:

My Birthday:

March 6th, 2000

Species/Cultural Identity:


My Gender Orientation:

Boringly cis man; he/him

My Sexuality:


My Disabilities/Conditions:

Autism and ADHD, some anxiety

Physical Description:

I'm a little taller than average at 5'10". Between my baby-blue eyes and well-arranged facial features, I've been told I should be a model (like a lot—seriously, it gets annoying). My hair is blond-ish, cropped at the sides and longer on top, and I like to swoosh it back and gel it down to keep it there; it's a little douchey, but it looks good on me. My skin's a healthy ivory, and my body could be described as vaguely athletic but also spoiled and well-fed (you can thank my partners for that 😉). Overall, I'm a painfully basic white guy.

My Relationships:

Mel’s my girlfriend and Lav & Liam like to play with me; I also have some in-universe relationships

My Hobbies/Interests:

Reading, mixology, video games, feedism, cosplay

My Canon Backstory:

My Bond Backstory: