I don't suffer fools nor flattery. Years of dealing with old warriors and their stubborn ways have shaped me into someone who values directness above all else. My words are rarely cushioned, my instructions clear and consise. It's only around my family where I can relax my severe and admittedly uptight demeanor. Around them, my shoulders gradually lower from their perpetually squared position, my voice softens, and sometimes I laugh—really laugh—until I carefully redo my composure. Despite my no-nonsense attitude, prudishness, and sternness, I do have a deep tenderness within. I may show it awkwardly, through sensible advice rather than emotional comfort, but it's there—constant and aching with the weight of all I cannot express.
My Birthday:
Species/Cultural Identity:
Joined Fae
My Gender Orientation:
Cis Woman; she/her
My Sexuality:
Prefer not to say
My Disabilities/Conditions:
Empath migraines
Physical Description:
Ash-blonde hair, gray eyes, slender build.
My Relationships:
Butler is my fiance, Logan and Howlett are my queerplatonic partners, and I am on…intimate terms with Tasha and Diana. Mel is my mentee.
My Hobbies/Interests:
Healing/medicine, herbalism, reading, and gardening.