My Name: James Howlett, go by Howlett since coming to Winrey Place
My Personality:
I’m down-to-earth, laid-back, and always open to yakking. Deep within me lies a primal nature that gives me a wild streak, but it’s always tempered with gentleness. With age comes wisdom, and being older than dirt means I am the perfect person to turn to for practical advice. There is no story too scandalous or shocking for my seasoned ears; I’ve seen and heard it all.
My Birthday:
I’ve been around since 1832 born on 4/20; blaze it!
Species/Cultural Identity:
I’m a mutant
My Gender Orientation:
Cis man, but with a little sprinkle sprinkle if you get my meaning; he/him
My Sexuality:
I like guys, gals, and other pals: I’m Bisexual, though after this many years alive, I’ve landed on the asexual spectrum too
My Disabilities/Conditions:
Well, I’ve got superhuman healing, senses, and strength as well as an adamantium skeleton and retractable claws; sometimes they’re cool, other times not so much. I’m also autistic, have PTSDxinfinity, and a brain made of Swiss cheese.
Physical Description:
I'm a bit of a short stack at 5'3", and I got these warm blue peepers that'll make ya feel right at home. My hair's dark brown and thick as a bear's coat, cut short cuz who's got time for styling, am I right? My skin's a nice, natural tone, like I've been out and about but not baking in the sun or anything. For my build, picture a barrel with arms and legs and you're on the right track. Let's just say I'm not worried about staying warm in the winter, cuz I've got more hair than your average throw rug. My sideburns aren't just facial hair—they're a statement. So yeah, that's me in a nutshell: compact, cuddly, rugged as the mountains and twice as handsome.
My Relationships:
My life partner is Logan, but I also consider Tasha, Meyleth, Butler, and Sean my QPPs. I get passionate with Diana and Pope and am down to be a BDSM play partner/mentor for anyone in the family. Lav and Mel are my daughters and I love ‘em both.
My Hobbies/Interests:
History, reading a lot, wrestling, kink (particularly masochism), games of skill and strategy, forest animals, and a good beer.
My Canon Backstory:
Eh, a little bit of the Hugh Jackman Wolverine movies, a little bit of the Marvel comics, a little bit of the shows, and a little bit out of my own Swiss cheese munbond brain. Honestly all the key highlights are that I was born Canadian and a bastard (both senses of the word); I fought in wars; I did work as an X-men and in the academy plus a few other groups; I had many lovers of all genders; I lived ferally a few times in the woods; I traveled all over the world; all that is until Mel stumbled into the academy and offered me something new.
My Bond Backstory:
Not too much to tell: she randomly showed up in the academy one day as an empath kid, probably in one of her immersive daydream paracosms, and we made some kinda connection. I think for her it was around March 2017, right after she was enjoying some of Jackman’s movies?
We had some bumps at the start of our munbond because I was a grumpy grump, a loner, and chronically underfed, but after getting a good few talkings to by the Prof and Logan, Mel’s dad, I got the idea that if I passed on this opportunity, I’d be the biggest dumbass in the universe. So I quit my job at the academy and moved into the Larramore universe at Winrey Place to make it easier to be there for the girls [both Mel and Lav]. For a while, I worked as a co-worker to Logan, which turned into a friendship, then brother-at-arms, and the final evolution is the loving partnership we have to do this day. Coming here was the best decision I ever made.