My Name: Margo Hanson the Creator, High King of Fillory

My Personality:

I'm not gonna sugar-coat things: I'm a woman who knows what she wants and will do what it takes to get it. I don't do delicate, I don't do bullshit, and I sure as hell don't do backing down. I'm as stubborn as they come, and I've got a take-no-shit attitude that's served me well. If you've got a problem with that, tough. Being emotional isn't really my style; I don't have time for tears or tantrums. I keep it together—always. But don't take that to mean my heart is a shriveled up raisin. If you're in my circle, I've got your back no matter what, and if I make a promise to you, I will roll up my sleeves and do what's necessary to fix it, even if the problem is my own damn fault. I don't care if it's not fun or pretty—I don't abandon my friends. Now, running a kingdom, I don't have many days I can take a break, but when you work this hard to keep things from falling part, you gotta party just as hard to make up for it. I live my life without apology and I'm damn good at it; that's all I gotta say.

My Birthday:

November 9th, 1990

Species/Cultural Identity:

I’m a human with lycanthropy. I’m also a badass magician

My Gender Orientation:

A cis woman and I use she/her pronouns

My Sexuality:

Apparently I like girls, who knew, so bisexual

My Disabilities/Conditions:

Nothing in the DSM though I do have one fairy eye that can give me a headache sometimes.

Physical Description:

Listen up, fuckers, cuz I'm only gonna say this once. I may be short at 5'2", but don't you dare underestimate me—I pack a lot of punch in this compact frame, you got it? And my eyes are not "plain brown": they're intensely brown, the kind that'll either melt you down or freeze you in place depending on my mood. I've got rich tan skin with olive undertones, and I keep it glowing with every Fillorian plant under the sun. My hair is a force of nature I've long bested. It's shoulder-blade length, brown, and straight and so thick it could probably stop a bullet (not that I'm planning to test that theory). My body has all the right curves in all the right places—the kind of figure that looks damn good kicking ass or sipping a martini, often both at the same time. I'm fierce and fabulous; don't forget it.

My Relationships:

I love Josh, my boyfriend, and Fen, my maybe? girlfriend. I’m Lav’s lover and Marmi, and Charlton’s a good fuck. I’d burn heaven and earth for Eliot, platonically.

My Hobbies/Interests:

I run a kingdom, who has time for hobbies! I enjoy my magic, a good drink, drugs, parties, fashion, pampering myself, my axes, and getting a fucking break every once in a while.

My Canon Backstory:

I was born and raised a privileged Californian. Daddy was away a lot on business, but he always found time to sing me lullabies, even over the phone. I was his little girl until he couldn't handle the bad bitch he'd raised to be strong and independent. I got my degree in Theater at UCLA and then got invited to take the Brakebills entrance exam (which I passed with flying colors). Eliot and I got paired up during the Trials, and it was best bitch at first sight.

Shit happened, and in the process I got crowned High Queen Margo the Destroyer. I put a fuck-ton of work into running my kingdom (not that I got much appreciation for it) and making sure the Fairy Queen didn't puppet it for her own ends (though we ended things on relatively good terms; that's how I got my fairy eye). I helped turn Fillory into a democracy, and my efforts got me elected as High King by Fillory's talking animal population. I helped save the world all the damn times it needed saving no matter how hard it got, and I nearly lost everything for it. In the end, we caught a break with the World Seed, and I got to become High King Margo the Creator for New Fillory.

My Bond Backstory:

What can I say, Q's a sap who missed all his friends, so the girls used their bonder powers to yank me, Josh, Alice, and Fen away from New Fillory to Winrey Place. After they won over Eliot, it was only a matter of time before they got me, too. To make it easier to travel back forth between my kingdom and Winrey Place, they installed a permanent portal door, one in the castle, one in the second floor of Winrey Place (convenient, right?).