My Name: Charlton Everild

My Personality:

I'm not one for long introductions, but I'll try to give you a glimpse into who I am. I'm soft-spoken and mild-mannered, but please don't mistake my quiet nature for a lack of confidence. I know who I am and make no apology for it. Yet, beneath my composure, I can be sensitive and delicate: I'm cautious about revealing myself too openly or acting hastily. Instead, I observe. I watch; I listen; I take it all in. You'd be surprised what you can learn when you pay attention. My poised nature also makes me a firm believer in enjoying life's finer qualities. I embrace glamour, sensuality, and sophistication. Freedom is also crucial to me. After being trapped in my own mind for a thousand years, being able to wander and roam where I like, when I like, is a precious gift to me. It's not that I require being alone—I don't, I love checking in on people in an orbiting fashion, as Lav likes to say. But I can't be confined again. This need for independence makes me experimental and salacious at times, but my tenderness and compassion always guides every action.

My Birthday:

I was born on Fillory over a 1000 Fillorian years ago, but on my new Larran documents, it says December 23rd, 1992

Species/Cultural Identity:

Fillorian, humanoid

My Gender Orientation:

For now, a man with he/him pronouns, though Lav says I may have some non-binary/genderqueer flavor in me, but I just haven’t explored it yet...

My Sexuality:

I’m mainly attracted to men, but a sturdy or confident lady does catch my interest from time to time

My Disabilities/Conditions:

I seem to fit Earth’s criteria for autism and PTSD

Physical Description:

Ah, let's see…I stand at an even 6 feet, a height which often draws one's gaze gently upward. My eyes are a blend of green and gray, reminiscent of a misty morning in the forests of Winrey Place. My skin is fair and pink, like the delicate petals of a blush rose, a complexion that speaks to a fondness for moonlit strolls instead of sun-soaked adventures. My hair is short and blond, styled in a princely swoop that falls just so across my forehead. My body is predominantly lean, though not without a testament of indulgence. And finally, I have noticeable sideburns—they frame my face distinctly, adding a dash of character to my otherwise dandy features.

My Relationships:

Ah... Eliot, Quentin, Lav, and Jack are my boyfriends and I’m so lucky they are. Sara and Margo have also caught my interest.

My Hobbies/Interests:

I am fascinated with Earth’s early modern era and renaissance period, with a particular love for Middle Ages Unicorns. With Eliot’s support, I apprenticed in appraising artifacts and furniture from that era, for it was similar to what my merchant family sold in Fillory. I mastered it within a year and started earning my own clients, though transferring universes means I’m starting over. I also enjoy reading, catching up on Earth’s pop culture, and quietly observing the world around me.

My Canon Backstory:

I was one of several children born to a merchant family, and although I never went without and was certainly loved by my family, I was often overlooked. Over time, I realized that my family's assumptions that I would settle down with a nice woman and make a home and career for myself didn't match what I wanted for my own life. I couldn't bear to disappoint them, and so I made the hard decision to leave home. Their hurt and lack of understanding of my choice only served to prove that they would never be able to see me for who I truly was: an individual with different needs and desires from the ones that had made them so happy. I still consider that day the worst day of my life.

Unfortunately, I didn't have long to explore my freedom before a god known only as the Nameless claimed me as his latest host. For a thousand years, I was trapped inside my own body, unable to do anything but evade the creatures that lurked within the mental plane that held me captive. In the process of striving with his friends to bring back magic, Eliot suffered the same fate I had, joining me within the Nameless's internal prison, and I rejoiced that I was no longer alone. He strove to escape, and I trailed along behind, hoping against hope that his freedom could also be mine. Eventually, the Nameless and the other creatures were successfully driven out, and I clung to Eliot's mind and managed to keep my place within it. Eliot didn't realize I still occupied him until I left him messages in what I thought was a cheerful red (which unfortunately turned out to look uncomfortably like blood, misleading Eliot into believing I was the Nameless still inside him).

After mentally tagging along on some of Eliot's adventurers, I made a deal with a pervert ghost from the 1950s who didn't want his body anymore (it's a long story) so that I could be corporeal again, and thanks to a magical bracelet from Santa Claus (as I said, long story), I was able to transmute the body I was given to look and feel like my own.

When all the world-saving finally came to an end, Eliot and I moved into a little apartment on the Brakebills campus. He began teaching there while I kept house and started my own appraisal business. With time and a lot of mistakes, I managed to acclimate to modern day Earth and carve out a nice little life for myself.

My Bond Backstory:

I was drawn into the affairs of Winrey Place when Eliot and the others were informed that Quentin had been brought back from the dead by Lav and Mel. When Eliot left Brakebills to move in with the family, I joined him, partly out of my own curiosity and partly because I didn't want to be left behind. Lav has always put in the effort to make sure I don't disappear into the background (something I have a bad habit of doing), and thanks to her and the others, I finally have a place to belong.