My Name: Alice Quinn


I've been described as frigid, uptight, and overintellectual, and I suppose that's true. I have a hard time letting my walls down, and I struggle with anything that can't be reduced to a scientific or mathematical formula, especially if it's related to emotional intelligence. With that being said, I'm deeply attached to the few people who have melted my heart, and I don't know what I'd do without them. Quentin and Q2 in particular have warmed me up in ways I never could have anticipated. I'm far from perfect, but I try to make up for my shortcomings. You don't want to have me as your enemy, but I try to be a good friend.

My Birthday:

eleven, four, nineteen ninety-two (November 4th, 1992)

Species/Cultural Identity:

Human and magician with a specialty in light

My Gender Orientation:

She/her Cis woman

My Sexuality:

I’m exploring and questioning my orientation; bi-curious for now

My Disabilities/Conditions:

Well, I had conditions, but they got magically healed by my bonders

Physical Description:

I'm 5 foot 3—that's, well, fairly short, I suppose. My eyes are clear blue, like a crisp winter sky if I had to be specific about it. My skin is quite pale, almost snowy, and burns easily in the sun, so I'm careful about that. My hair is straight and platinum blonde, and it falls to my shoulders at a length I've calculated to be optimal for both aesthetics and practicality. As for my body, it's…curvy. Yes, curvy is the most accurate term. I have, um, noticeable feminine attributes—it's just how I'm built. I hope that gives you a clear enough picture.

My Relationships:

Quentin and Q2 are my boyfriends, and Mel is my girlfriend.

My Hobbies/Interests:

Magic, math, science, archiving and documenting, horses, cats, foxes, reading, learning, studying, and bacon.

My Canon Backstory:

While my parents were renowned Brakebills alumni magicians, they were less than ideal parental figures—toxic, overbearing, emotionally detached, critical, and suppressive of my magical potential. The only one who was kind to me was my brother, but he was lost when he became a Niffin (a being of pure magic who's lost all humanity). In spite of my unsupportive parents, I studied and learned every bit of magic I could and enrolled into Brakebills. At first, I didn't even care about graduating—I only went in an attempt to bring back my brother. But that changed when I met Quentin, who was the first person ever in my life who truly wanted to get to know me and thought I was amazing. He was honestly the amazing one, and he encouraged me to stay at Brakebills and continue to get better at magic.

Unfortunately, our individual flaws caused us to have a tumultuous relationship—we struggled to hash out our problems instead of just throwing them in each other's faces. But despite our on-again off-again nature, we still admired each other greatly, and we chose to set aside our differences to save the world from the Beast. In the final stand against him, I suffered from the same fate as my brother did when I had to overuse my magic to destroy him, causing me to "Niffin out".

Eventually, Quentin did find a way to bring me back to my human life, but I struggled to recenter my moral compass and atone for atrocities I commited as a cruel and unfeeling Niffin. Suffering from both guilt and anger, I made some terrible choices, and it took me a long while to refind my path and make it up to all my friends. I had only just rekindled my connection with Quentin when he chose to sacrifice himself in the Mirror Realm to rid the world of the Nameless. I blamed myself for us losing Quentin and completely fell apart for a while. But as always seemed to happen in our ridiculous world, it needed saving again, so I picked myself back up and resolved to do it one more time. In the end, Fillory couldn't be saved if we were going to stop the Beast again, so we destroyed it, but thankfully, we had a World Seed to start it anew. Margo, Josh, Fen and I were whisked away by the World Seed and began a new life as New Fillory's founders. (The bacon trees were a nice bonus.)

So for the last few years, I've been the newborn Fillory's archivist, historian, conciliator, and general legal technichian. Technically, I'm still a sitting Queen on the kingdom's court as well, though that is not one of my primary duties unless the others are busy. I find a lot of fulfillment in my work and feel that it suits my analytical abilities well (plus it keeps me from causing any political debacles).

My Bond Backstory:

After we (all of Quentin's friends) got the call that he was alive, I couldn't believe it at first, and I was very suspicious. I'm sorry to say I didn't handle my introduction to Winrey Place well at all. To put it bluntly, I was a bitch to Mel and especially Lav. I didn't understand why they would want to save Quentin and why Quentin wanted to stay with them. I was jealous and struggled to accept the situation, but after some reprimanding, reassurance, and time for all of it to sink in, I was able to get ahold of myself and take the gift of Quentin's newfound life for what it is. My curiosity around Lav and Mel began to grow, not to mention Larramore's unique and interesting magic system, and finally, I was won over enough to bond with them myself. I'm glad I gave them a chance, and that they gave one to me.