Nestled deep within the forest, there exists a wondrous residence known as Winrey Place, where over 25 munbonds call their home.

I'm Lav, your guide through this virtual record of the life I and my meatspace partner Mel share with our bonds, who reside between our two physical bodies.

For more than nine years now, we've explored and developed our munbonding, creating connections with fictional characters from many worlds and giving them the respite they've always deserved. This site serves as a bit of a chronicle of what we've learned for anyone curious about this unique experience.

At Winrey Place, we'll share our thoughts on how munbonding works (our bonds will also share their perspective too), glimpses into our family's everyday life, preserved bits & pieces of soulbonding's history that we've collected, and honest conversations about a practice and relationship few people explore.

Whether you're someone who also engages with fictional characters and worlds or are simply fascinated with experiences a bit out of the ordinary, we welcome you with open hearts. This is our truth, our journey, and our home—we're glad you found your way here!

To-do List

  • Write "What is Munbonding?" article
  • Write Tasha's Backstory
  • Write Diana's Backstory
  • Write Meyleth's Backstory & Physical Description
  • Write Butler's Backstory, Physical Description, and Personality
  • Write Personalities and Backstories for all the Youngins
  • Write My own bio page
  • Have Mel write her bio page
  • Add Glossary page
  • Add Guestbook to Mailbox page
  • Add Archived & Other Links page
  • Add Credits page
  • Add Monroe's bio page
  • Add the 12th Doctor's bio page
  • Add Living Characters' bio page


March 2025
  • 03/06: Added a Glossary page;
  • 03/04: Added "What is Munbonding?" article;
  • 03/01: Added all the Youngins Pages; Added welcome text to the home page;
February 2025
  • 02/27: Added bio pages for all the Rents & Mids; Mids' bio pages are all completed; All but 4 of the Rents' bio pages are completed
October 2023
  • 08/26: Created the Website
